June always seems to be a time of reckoning when organizations strive to strike the right balance of supporting marginalized communities without commercializing or overstating their own impact. Whether we center the Black community with Juneteeth and reflections on police violence, the LGBTQ+ community for Pride month, or shape the narrative through another voice, we all know at our core that more can be done in every organization to ensure equity, inclusion, and a sense of belonging.

SHRM-Atlanta invites you to be part of this conversation and explore how a strategic approach can support sustained progress. We know not everyone is an executive leading their organizational ecosystem, but HR practitioners are well positioned to influence organizational culture change and to practice self-awareness and coaching. We’re planning a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Summit for August that will bring together members of our community in a listening and learning program aimed at helping members understand how they can go beyond one-off initiatives to improve communication and engagement in their workplaces.

If this is something you’d like to participate in, please let us know. We’ll be sharing more details in July.